Monday, 8 July 2013

In this section we will learn how an attacker manages to hide a RAT in victim's computer, if you are new visitor or you haven't read the first part I urge you to please go through previous post on The RAT before you read this.

Before we proceed I want to tell you there's no RAT tool available whose server can not get detected by an Anti-Virus program. At practical level every Anti-Virus program can detect RAT developed by all possible free as well as commercially available RAT developing tools. Then how an attacker manages to implement an attack on you. Following may be the reasons, why you may become victim to his/his attack,

Your Anti-Virus Sucks
The attacker has created his/her own RAT client
He had got a custom RAT client from RAT client vendor
Applied Hex-editing on his RAT server EXE
Attacker has used crypt or

As I always tell you hacking evolves by fractions of minutes to fractions of seconds, RAT clients also gets updated and hence your Anti-Virus too needs to be updated. If you don't update it means you are inviting more and more troubles than just RAT, always update your Anti-Virus programs or let its auto-update option enabled. In any other case than this if your Anti-Virus fails to detect RAT it means it is total crap UN-install it and use some another Anti-Virus program.

The second case is the attacker is master programmer and he/she has used his/her master programmer skill to develop a new custom RAT client. Since the code is new, no Anti-Virus will have its definition ultimately making it Fully UN-Detectable (FUD). It is really very hard to keep yourself safe from such kinda RAT since it is hard to detect before damage is done.

Some vendors also offer custom RAT clients for special price, again due to its code being new any Anti-Virus program will hardly have its definition and hence even this works. Next is hex-editing, it is one of the most difficult thing to do for changing signature of the RAT server(our virus) file. So far as I know it is really very difficult and attacker must be having powerful hand over understanding different number systems and machine level codes, also it is very time consuming process.

Last is one of the most easiest methods and due to which a VIRUS code becomes Fully Undetectable. The use of crypt-or software avoids the job of recoding and hex-editing and mutates the signature of virus file in such a way that it works fine but its code generates different signature which is not anyhow matches the previous signature, thus making is undetectable.

Other factor that leads to hide RAT in your system is process space sharing. In this the RAT server file shares process space of system processes or well known process like,


And the last factor that let them do their job is port number. Many RAT clients will use regularly used port numbers to establish connections like HTTP port 80, HTTP proxy port 8080, FTP port 21 and uses any kinda connection may it be TCP or UDP.


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